Evaluation Systems: Elements and Types of evaluation, Evaluation in Choice Based Credit System in Higher education, Computer based testing, Innovations in Evaluation Systems in Hindi Admin
Methods of teaching in Institutions of higher learning: Teacher centred vs Learner centred methods or Off-line vs On-line methods (Swayam, Swayamprabha, MOOCs) in Hindi Admin
Factors affecting teaching related to: Teacher, Learner, Support material, Instructional facilities, Learning environment and Institution in Hindi Admin
Learner’s characteristics: Characteristics of adolescent and adult learners (Academic, Social, Emotional and Cognitive), Individual Differences in Hindi || शिक्षार्थियों की विशेषताएँ: किशोर और वयस्क शिक्षार्थियों की विशेषताएँ (शैक्षणिक, सामाजिक, भावनात्मक और संज्ञानात्मक), व्यक्तिगत अंतर Admin
Teaching: Concept, Objectives, Levels of teaching (Memory, Understanding and Reflective), Characteristics and basic requirements in Hindi || शिक्षण: अवधारणा, उद्देश्य, शिक्षण के स्तर (स्मृति, समझ और चिंतनशील), विशेषताएँ और बुनियादी आवश्यकताएँ Admin